11 Mar, 2024
Elevators inside buildings have become something that cannot be dispensed with. We are now in the age of speed and the age of using technology, and why not use technology now to benefit the residents of tall buildings, major companies and skyscrapers.
We are now telling you about Bayern Qatar Company, as it is the best in designing and installing elevators and even maintaining them, Also in the State of Qatar, we explain to you some information about elevators, the importance of maintaining building elevators, the materials needed for them, what weights they can carry, and other important information.
Elevators work in an innovative way, despite their simplicity, They use the method used in cranes that operate on sites, which is a large weight that is mounted on huge columns and made to move up and down using an electrically operated motor with great lifting power, an estimated 20 horsepower, depending on the weight and weight it bears, The elevator and the services it provides, Some elevators are used in hospitals more widely and are loaded with more things.
As a complement to the elevator components, the elevator box is connected to the lifting weight using steel ropes and connected to the electrical current, and a group of programmed buttons that are connected to each of the floors, which give the command to the elevator to go up or down, Each of these components requires periodic maintenance, and therefore Bayern Qatar provides The best types of maintenance and explains to you ways to avoid malfunctions and the importance of maintaining building elevators.
With the great importance that elevators bring, their breakdown may constitute a major dilemma in the daily movement of going up and down, so it is recommended to periodically follow up on the maintenance of the building’s elevators and inform Bayern Qatar of this important matter.
As we arrive at the causes of its malfunction, we find that it may cause many problems, especially if it has little ventilation, It may lead to the passenger suffocating if there is no quick access to those inside, The elevator may malfunction in the middle of the floor, which leads to difficulty opening the elevator door, It may also lead to Passengers die when the steel ropes slip and break, which causes a collision with the ground at high speed, leading to fractures in the passengers’ bodies that may lead to risks that may lead to death, Therefore, we highlight the solution to the problems of elevator disruption and the necessity and importance of maintaining the building’s elevators.
Earth's gravity works with an acceleration that doubles as we rise against the center of the Earth, This came in a talk by the scientist Isaac Newton about his theory of Earth's gravity, and from this point we find that going up requires a lot of effort, especially if going up many floors. The importance of elevators comes as they work to connect a large number of people, To high floors in a short time, not exceeding a few seconds, as they are quick to ascend and provide a lot of time and comfort as well, especially for the elderly, those with special abilities, and people of determination.
From the point of view of the benefits of elevators, we talk about maintaining the building’s elevators, as it comes first in order to protect them from some types of elevators, Malfunctions that occur in internal programming and damage to some equipment, such as motors and heavy ropes carrying them, from continuous frequent use, or improper use and power outages, which may cause great dangers, and Bayern Qatar is uniquely specialized in this field.
Elevator repair is considered one of the vital operations that requires periodic follow-up to ensure the safety and proper performance of the elevator. Bayern Qatar carries out some technical work, including:
In the beginning, periodic follow-up is carried out every few months to ensure the safety of work in the elevator, and to determine the problem if it actually exists.
After examining all the working components of the elevator and checking whether there is a problem in one of the parts or not, the malfunctions may include technical problems or problems with the motors of the loads from the steel ropes and columns installed at both ends of the well or the electric motor.
Bayern Qatar will begin work on repairing these faults if they are found, whether they are technical problems or the control buttons on the cart’s keyboard, ropes, motors, etc.
After fixing the technical problems, safety tests are conducted in the elevator, and the controls, tensioners, and motor are fully tested until complete safety is achieved in the elevator.
The chair used on the stairs is considered an economical alternative to elevators, and despite the widespread proliferation of elevators, the chair used is sometimes considered an average and economical solution, but it requires fairly large spaces, Among the alternatives that also exist and are used in open spaces are the ascending and descending escalators.
which are used in large spaces such as Malls and large hotels, but in all cases, elevators are considered indispensable as they operate in small spaces such as residential and commercial buildings because they operate vertically and not in a wide horizontal manner, but they require periodic maintenance so that they are not affected in any way and are useless and harmful to the environment, At the same time, to maintain the building’s elevators, Bayern Qatar provides you with regular maintenance at low costs and provides advice on using elevators well.
There are many types of elevators that differ according to the method of work and the task assigned to them, and the best of these types are:
Automatic elevators, which provide a safe, simple and very convenient service in terms of regular use.
Elevators without an engine room, which are often used in factories and elsewhere.
Hydraulic elevators, which operate with a hydraulic oil pump system, are used in places that have a small number of users on a daily basis, such as factories and villas.
Human elevators, in which the foundations are prepared according to general project calculations.
Load elevators, which do not care about speed more than they care about the large load that the elevator can carry and move between floors, are used in hospitals, factories, and large shops.
Mobile elevators carry large loads ranging from one to three tons at speeds specified by users and owners.
All of these elevators are regularly maintained by Bayern Qatar, which is able to provide the best elevator maintenance service. The price of the elevator ranges from 27,000 to 130,000 US dollars.
The elevator must be handled simply and carefully. Behavior must be maintained inside the elevator. It must be:
Movement is smooth and not random, and entry and exit are regulated.
Maintain the stipulated load as well so as not to be exposed to any danger resulting from excessive load.
Carry items and clothes must be taken into account that they are completely inside the elevator so that they are not compressed by the door as it rises, which could lead to great dangers.
The buttons must be maintained and not pressed randomly so as not to cause the elevator to suddenly malfunction. The malfunction may occur between floors where the doors cannot be opened.
Maintain regular follow-up and reading about the maintenance of the building’s elevators, and keep the alarm bells on and do not press them except only in the event of any sudden danger when riding the elevator or its breakdown. I do not advise you to choose anyone other than Bayern Qatar, as they are the best companies in elevator maintenance.
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